Monday, November 27, 2017

Change Me

Oh Lord, please change me, remake me
Conform my perspective on these trials
Oh Lord, I see my attitude is not like yours
May I be more grieved for sinning against you
than for my own worried self and desires
Oh Lord, I will wait for you to transform me

You will change me from glory to glory
Through every trial you bring
Each one so perfectly made
That I might depend on you more
and all else will fade
in the light of your loving kindness
and by the power of your grace
I will see your faithfulness

Thank you Lord, you know whats best for me
And in your time you make all things beautiful
Although now I may not see
Your ways they are perfect
Your plans they are good
You know what I need
You will change me
Your Nature Divine will flow from within
Your blood will cleanse me from sin
Your desires will become my own
As I long to please you
Your promises are true
They will come to pass in me
Although I am empty 
You will fill me up
You are the one on whom I depend
Thank you for all you have already done
to change me

Saturday, November 18, 2017

We are Servants

We are servants
God has given us power to do as He desires
According to our faith 
And the gifts He has given us

He is asking us now
To engage in His business 
Until the day He returns

Make the most of your time
for the days are evil
Quickly passing by
Make the most of your time
for the days are evil
Be faithful in small or big
Make the most of your time

If we are His servants we 
ought to be engaged in His buisness
Seeking to please Him doing what He desires

He enables us to live as He did
Will we be faithful with the little He's given
that we faithful with much might be?

Make the most of your time
for the days are evil
Quickly passing by
Make the most of your time
for the days are evil
Be faithful in small or big
Make the most of your time

The days are evil 
Quickly passing by
We must be faithful in each moment
Pursing Him our Precious Treasure

Continue in faith, steadfast
Growing in Love we will find
He will fulfill each promise
Even until the end
Yes - even until the end

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Free to Live for You

You rescued me from darkest night
Brought me into your glorious light
I was once a slave to sin
Had no room to let you in
until the day I saw my need 
and then you made me free
So I can sing

I am free to do your will 
I am free to live for You
Lord I get to please You 
In all, I say and do 
You'll help me through 
Giving me grace
for whatever I may face

Now I can live for righteousness
Live with joy and faith such blessedness
Your life overflowing
Your radiance glowing


Now I know that you've promised
Hardships, tests, trials, suffering
Yet I know nothing can separate
From Your love
You're making us
more than conquerors 
through You; Jesus Christ


Thank you for each cross
Thank you for these sufferings
Thank you for all you're doing in my life
Lord be glorified. 

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Your Servant

I'm your servant
Here I am 
I want to follow your command

I've said goodbye to this world
May it have no hold
I'm leaving it all behind
to follow the crucified

Lift up the cross
Let the sword fall on our soul
So living waters might flow
then His life will be 
filling our hearts abundantly
Changing us deep within
giving us power over sin

Oh to hear His voice
Above all distractions and noise
He reveals our hearts and our need
To surrender our way and let Him lead

There's no room for selfish ambition
No matter the condition
Let us live always to please Him
Even though the way might be dim

I'm your servant
Here I am
May I be a drink offering
poured out for you
May I be pleasing
in your sight
By your grace
You will help me through
Whatever I may face

Monday, February 27, 2017

Burnt Up

Will our lives be built with wood hay or straw?
At the end it will be made evident
If our life's work is burnt up 
Burnt up
Doing only what is relevant 
Enjoying our comforts
It'll be burnt up burnt up

Or will our lives be tried purified
Like gold refined 
Fiery trials temptations 
Hardships afflictions

Will our lives be purified? 
Pure Gold pure gold
Must go through the fire
Pure Gold pure gold 
Our lives must be radiant 
Reflecting the Lord our Lord
These things the world holds dear
Must have no hold no hold
For we are given not a spirit of fear
But of love and power to be bold 
Despite these fiery trials to come out Gold pure gold 
Sanctified set apart — pure gold

Will we live by God's Spirit 
Enduring the tests these trials
When He lives within us
His life will be abundant 

Or will we do many things 
Just to please ourselves n' others
Looking spiritual 
But in the end we'll be shown 
Our life's worth 
Will our lives be burnt up? 

Pure Gold can withstand the heat
Pure Gold
Pure Gold comes not from ourselves 
Pure Gold
True Gold is only what will endure the fire and come out 
pure gold 

only that which originates in God, 
is done in God’s power, 
for God’s glory,
 is eternal. 
All the rest will perish, 
being reduced to ashes 
By fire at judgment seat of Christ

Monday, February 20, 2017

Come Away

A seed was sown into thorny ground
It grew up until thorns choked its life out 
The worries of this world
Must be rooted out
Or all life will be gone 

Come away and be separate 
Touch no unclean thing
Live in reverence and  fear 
All done out of love for Him
Only the Father dear 
Should have His place in our hearts
For we desire to be close to Him

Jesus is calling out now
Come buy from me gold refined 
By fire true and tried 
Come buy from me He's calling
Clothes that you may wear
His righteousness alone
Our own is like dirty rags 
Come buy from me He's calling 
Salve for your eyes so you may see
A revelation from Him
We are blinded by this world


I pray the eyes of our hearts 
Will be wide and open
So the ways of this world 
Will be evident within us
Take your sword, O Lord
Root them out
It may hurt, but in faith
We give these thorns 
These things world holds dear
we long to live in reverence in fear
To glorify your great name


We trade these thorns for riches   
May we know the hope of your calling 
There is surpassing power 
For all those who believe .  
It's the same mighty power  
The power that rose Jesus from the dead
Raising Him above all rulers and authorities 
Seating Him at the Fathers right hand  
Now we can go to Him in faith
To have Him take this worldliness      
So His mighty power may live in us
