Monday, February 27, 2017

Burnt Up

Will our lives be built with wood hay or straw?
At the end it will be made evident
If our life's work is burnt up 
Burnt up
Doing only what is relevant 
Enjoying our comforts
It'll be burnt up burnt up

Or will our lives be tried purified
Like gold refined 
Fiery trials temptations 
Hardships afflictions

Will our lives be purified? 
Pure Gold pure gold
Must go through the fire
Pure Gold pure gold 
Our lives must be radiant 
Reflecting the Lord our Lord
These things the world holds dear
Must have no hold no hold
For we are given not a spirit of fear
But of love and power to be bold 
Despite these fiery trials to come out Gold pure gold 
Sanctified set apart — pure gold

Will we live by God's Spirit 
Enduring the tests these trials
When He lives within us
His life will be abundant 

Or will we do many things 
Just to please ourselves n' others
Looking spiritual 
But in the end we'll be shown 
Our life's worth 
Will our lives be burnt up? 

Pure Gold can withstand the heat
Pure Gold
Pure Gold comes not from ourselves 
Pure Gold
True Gold is only what will endure the fire and come out 
pure gold 

only that which originates in God, 
is done in God’s power, 
for God’s glory,
 is eternal. 
All the rest will perish, 
being reduced to ashes 
By fire at judgment seat of Christ


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