Monday, November 27, 2017

Change Me

Oh Lord, please change me, remake me
Conform my perspective on these trials
Oh Lord, I see my attitude is not like yours
May I be more grieved for sinning against you
than for my own worried self and desires
Oh Lord, I will wait for you to transform me

You will change me from glory to glory
Through every trial you bring
Each one so perfectly made
That I might depend on you more
and all else will fade
in the light of your loving kindness
and by the power of your grace
I will see your faithfulness

Thank you Lord, you know whats best for me
And in your time you make all things beautiful
Although now I may not see
Your ways they are perfect
Your plans they are good
You know what I need
You will change me
Your Nature Divine will flow from within
Your blood will cleanse me from sin
Your desires will become my own
As I long to please you
Your promises are true
They will come to pass in me
Although I am empty 
You will fill me up
You are the one on whom I depend
Thank you for all you have already done
to change me

Saturday, November 18, 2017

We are Servants

We are servants
God has given us power to do as He desires
According to our faith 
And the gifts He has given us

He is asking us now
To engage in His business 
Until the day He returns

Make the most of your time
for the days are evil
Quickly passing by
Make the most of your time
for the days are evil
Be faithful in small or big
Make the most of your time

If we are His servants we 
ought to be engaged in His buisness
Seeking to please Him doing what He desires

He enables us to live as He did
Will we be faithful with the little He's given
that we faithful with much might be?

Make the most of your time
for the days are evil
Quickly passing by
Make the most of your time
for the days are evil
Be faithful in small or big
Make the most of your time

The days are evil 
Quickly passing by
We must be faithful in each moment
Pursing Him our Precious Treasure

Continue in faith, steadfast
Growing in Love we will find
He will fulfill each promise
Even until the end
Yes - even until the end