Wednesday, February 12, 2020

They Will Find His Face

This isn’t the path I’d have chosen
I’m being crushed, broken
The fog is dense
Nothing makes sense

Yet God promises only the pure
only those seeking
those who are sure
who are persisting
in confidence
will find His face

I’ve been wrestling
I’ve ben stubborn
but He’s brought me
to the very end
I can’t go on
Without Him


I’m right where He wants me
In the pain, the uncertainty 
He wants me to depend on Him
Even though this way is dim

His hidden hand is in the pain
it’s not in vain
He’s planning secretly
Singing over me
His way is best
He will give me rest
He is watching from above
He is gentle, humble full of love
OH WHY do I doubt?
He’s looking for confidence
even when it don’t make sense
He will help me when I call
He is my all


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